The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 93: The 411 - Bachie Live Show 2 with Gretel Killeen



On EP 93: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have a touch base about what the rest of the world is talking about. This week is our seconds Bachie Live event! We watch episode 4 with you posse, and break it down with special guest; Gretel Killeen!3:30 - Gretel Killeen thinks you should steer clear of any man who's dominant feature is his hair.4:50 - Romy/Cat bitchy duo: Is it a TV fabrication to cause drama? This kinda bitchiness doesn't happen outside of high school does it?6:16 - Gretel's approach to flirting is the opposite of the girls on Bachie7:58 - Is Cat only here to promote her jewellery line? Does her agenda really matter?10:03 - Has The Honey Badger fallen for Dasha already because she "pretended" to need his help on their date? We're all guilty of dumbing ourselves down at some point to give a man some purpose aren't we?15:28 - Is Bachie actually cool with Dasha having a son or is he faking