Lower Your Expectations With Marcus Butler

LYE 38: What To Put On Social Media When Disasters Happen



Awful things happen around the world it feels like at a daily rate and it's becoming more and more difficult to really express how we feel on social media about these events. But what is it like to be an influencer with a fan base of over six million people hanging on your every word when these disasters occur? That is the question we explore in this weeks Lower Your Expectations. Elsewhere, Marcus gives a "how to create YouTuber merchandise 101" and we reveal our favourite guilty pleasure foods. Check out MoreMarcus on YouTube for the best of this week’s episode, at YouTube.com/MoreMarcus Subscribe on iTunes: iTunes.com/LowerYourExpectations Subscribe on Android: SubscribeOnAndroid.com/MarcusButler.net/rss Subscribe to Marcus on YouTube: YouTube.com/MarcusButlerFollow @MarcusButler & @MattViney12 wherever you can find us! ————— Sound by Adam Durbridge Big Question: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/sheffield-man-eats-toe_uk_5818b9ece4b0ccfc956426c1?utm_hp_ref=uk-weird-news  See acast.com/pr