D&d Is For Nerds

Hus Firma Pride #20 Daniel



In which our heroes are so done. We go looking for Daniel, fake a crime scene and double down on our lies. Cassius asks a question she never thought she ever would, Zillie has a sad moment and Edrik is 100% certain that everyone is going to make it out fine. So join us as we make a weasel complicit in our crimes. Want to scream in the orphanage? Head to http://www.patreon.com/sanspantsradio and for as little as $1 a month, you can end up having to scream for a while. In Sydney in Feb? Why not come see us live! Book your tickets here; http://edgetix.com/. And if you find yourself with a spare 10 mins, help us out by filling in this survey; https://podcastsurvey.typeform.com/to/nRkFml.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.