Right In Dc

Justice Delayed AGAIN for General Michael Flynn



General Michael Flynn today is still a man with his liberty in jeopardy. There are few events more stressful in life than being a criminal defendant with the full force and resources of the government arrayed against you, especially the federal Department of Justice. But in this case, it is no longer the federal prosecutors holding Michael Flynn’s liberty at bay; it is a federal judge and a complicit federal appellate court. Yesterday, instead of releasing Michael Flynn from criminal jeopardy and allowing him to try to create a peaceful life with his family and friends, the appellate court overseeing his case granted Judge Emmet Sullivan’s motion for a full hearing by the entire appellate court. This ruling makes a mockery of the rule of law and of Michael Flynn’s individual rights. We should all be paying close attention to this latest development. MENTIONED https://www.foxnews.com/politics/flynn-to-go-before-full-appeals-court-as-legal-saga-drags-on Contested Flynn dismissal to go before full appeals