Right In Dc

Nevada favors Casinos over Churches; Discriminates against Right of Free Exercise of Religion



Governors across the country are using the COVID-19 pandemic to grab power. Their power grabs reveal a lot about each governor. These governors act like they now have a carte blanche to disregard our Constitution. Take, for example, Nevada. The governor of Nevada, Steve Sisolak, issued a directive that allowed bars, casinos, and gyms to host crowds of up to 50% of their maximum building capacity, but at the same time, capped houses of worship at 50 people. The governor cited “public health” and “economic reasons” for the religious discrimination, restricting Nevadan’s constitutional rights. Calvary Chapel in Nevada wants to host 90 worshippers, half of their capacity, but not the thousands of people that a gigantic casino could lawfully host under the state directive. Calvary Chapel sued for their right to worship safely, following all the CDC guidelines and then adding additional precautions themselves. The US Supreme Court shockingly just allowed this discrimination to continue, refusing to issue