

Follow the rules and you’ll be a success, right? Wrong. Because what if the “rules” we all tend to follow, the worn out paths that have been laid out in front of us —aren’t actually what we desire? For years, I followed the “rules” of society, family, career —and wound up empty and lost. Enter Majo Molfino —the latest Academy guest who helps women birth their dreams and share their gifts without quitting their day jobs. As a recovering “good girl” and daughter of immigrants, she is the author of Break the Good Girl Myth which empowers readers to break free from their good girl conditioning and design a more purposeful life. She is also the host of the HEROINE podcast featuring award-winning authors, artists, and entrepreneurs. In this conversation, you're going to discover how to listen to the inner voice inside, how to examine and breakthrough the noise of society, family and the "traditional" path, the misconceptions of clarity, purpose and passion —and how to take "design thinking" and concepts and impleme