
Education Equity Series Episode #1: What is Education Equity?



“It is not beyond our power to create a world in which all children have access to a good education.” – Nelson Mandela  What is education equity? Merriam-Webster defines equity as “justice according to natural law or right; freedom from bias or favoritism.” Recent events have brought out many different perspectives on equity in education and raises the question, what can we do to ensure every student receives a quality education that prepares them for the future.   In this first episode of our special series of inspirED dedicated to education equity, a group of education professionals explore how education equity manifests in classrooms across the U.S. and how those experiences impact students inside and outside the classroom. Our guests share their personal experiences with education equity and discuss ways you can actively work towards creating equity every day in every part of your classrooms, schools, homes, and communities.   Subscribe to inspirED on your favorite podcast app so you never miss an