Maga Podcast

False Flags and Dirty Rice, Episode 32



Susan Rice has been lying to us again, this time about the unmasking of names of the Trump transition team. You might remember her as the one they trotted out to all the Sunday talk shows to spread the news that a youtube video was responsible for the Benghazi embassy attack. A story we now know is a lie. Now she claims that she was in the right to unmasked certain names, even though that wasn't in her job description. Deputy Directory of the FBI McCabe is the real unmasker of names. He is the same guy who is currently holding up 3 different Clinton related investigations. In the Middle East, "White helmet" rebels have attacked hundreds of civilians with a gas attack and a few bombs, killing about a hundred. The media is trying to blame Assad, but just a day before the attacks Nicki Halley had confirmed Assad was willing to talk to President Trump, and gave her his private number. Doesn't sound like a thing a mass murdering dictator would do a day before gassing his own people.