

Take just a moment to think about how you speak to yourself and treat yourself. Would you talk to or treat anyone else the way you do yourself? How often do you tell yourself you’re stupid, thick, a nobody, and an idiot And how many other negative ways do you speak to yourself? And that makes you feel awesome right? NOT! And take another moment to reflect on how you treat yourself. How much attention do you give to creating what YOU desire in your life? Or, do you spend more time attending to what other people need from you even when you notice the resentment it creates? How many other ways are you mean to you? Is it any wonder that other people treat you that way too? What would your life be like if you were always kind to you regardless of what anyone else is choosing? Join Tamara and Alun in the Playground of Possibilities as they play and explore new ways of creating your life that are kinder to you. Monday 6th April at 3pm UK time (10am Eastern, 9am CT, 8am MT, 7am PT). Find out more about Alun and Tamar