Playground Of Possibilities ~ Alun Jones & Tamara Younker

Are You Seen, Heard, and Visible? ~ Guest Fiona Cutts



Ever wondered if people in the world can even hear you let alone see you? Do you even want to be seen and heard in your own life let alone the world?! How much do you struggle to try and get people to hear you? How frustrated do you get when people seem to just bump into you without seeming to notice you? How much marketing and PR do you feel you do for your business but no one seems to be able to notice you’re there? And how much do you go into the wrongness of you if people don’t seem to hear or see you? And how much fun is that? None right! What if you could change that? What if being seen and heard in the world isn’t always achieved the same way every time? What if in order to be seen and heard by different people and audiences the same approach is perhaps not the best approach? What else would be possible for you being more visible and heard in the world if you were to become more curious? What else would be possible for you if you would be willing to play with no expectations? Come and join Laura, Alun,