

What does Having it ALL mean to you? We took a Facebook poll and the answers ran the gamut from peace of mind, boundless energy and abundance in mind, body and spirit, to traveling the world 1st class, having a tight knit group of friends, and only eating organic food. Having it all means different things for different people. But the truth is, we’ve ALL bought into the limitations that keep us from claiming the most kick ass life we can dream up. Join us this week as we deconstruct the reasons why we’ve locked ourselves in small boxes of reality called survival and barely getting by. Listen in as we expand on the Land of AND and help you reveal the lies you’ve bought that keep you feeling less than powerful and expansive… and result in a life that’s only pretty good at best. We will share powerful processes and tools to expand your life beyond where you thought possible. And we will get personal and share our story of the last year where we seriously up leveled and created a lifestyle beyond our wildest imag