Myelin & Melanin

Episode 93 | "Surrender's My Jam": Agency, Energy and Intimacy -- feat. Kianga Ford



Today we are joined by thought leader and life coach Kianga Ford. We chat about energy, agency, and surrender -- topics that are the perfect precursors to our upcoming series, "This Part: Intimacy and MS". Kianga Ford is a thought leader, coach, facilitator, and speaker. She is the founder of Love & Freedom Education, where she works with curious adults on understanding contemporary masculinity and why it’s essential to the full realization of the feminine rising and to the expression of our deepest human potential.  She is also the co-founder of Becoming Free Humans, a project that explores emergent paradigms for living and working and provides visionary support to the individuals and organizations giving them form. She holds an MA/Ph.D. (ABD) and an MFA from the foremost programs in her fields. She is also a certified Orgasmic Meditation trainer and life coach. She brings the full range of her training in critical inquiry and transformational experience to her live events, online courses, coaching, and