In Darkness Vast

In Darkness Vast: Episode XI



IDV Episode XI: Levels of Knowing It's time for last ditch plans, creaking gangways and emotional farewells... The crew decide whether or not to reboard the Nervejump, EarthFrank is worried, gravely; and Palos wracks her brain for memories of childhood: "Can anyone remember anything about their parents?'' Doom-Buggy: "There were two of them.'' It's nearly over. But for who? In Darkness Vast, the Sci-Fi serial, features Lucie Ryan Donnelly, Sara-Jane Power, John McCarthy, Ciaran Fitzpatrick and Donnchadh O Conaill. Get the latest In Darkness Vast episodes by subscribing on iTunes, Stitcher, Soundcloud. Visit for full credits and to fix the dent in our traffic stats. Let us know what you think about In Darkness Vast, the Sci-Fi serial: Twitter: @Hammergrin | Facebook: . Email It's the finale next week. Sit tight. © Hammergrin, 2016.