

Dwamian Mcleish is the founder at Journely and former chief technology officer at Camp Gladiator. Dwamian and Shane recall his childhood days in Jamaica, where he fell in love with the computer lab—except it wasn’t much of a lab considering there were only two computers. Despite this, he realized his passion for technology as a young child. Dwamian also talks about how he used his skills in track and field to make his way to college in Kentucky. He talks about assimilating to the US and reconciling his cultural differences. He built his own companies, sold them, and now is working on a new venture.According to, the average salary of a CTO is $158,456. However, this number can range greatly depending on the size of the business.Click here to read Dwamian’s Q&A.You can reach out to Dwamian through his LinkedIn profile.Instagram - @dwamianm