Sacred Leadership with Sigrid Tasies

PANDEMIC: Some of My Thoughts & Intuitive Feelings About The Current World State (let's go deep!)



"Do not let the noise outside determine how your future is going to be. Do not let the outside world decide what happens within you. Yes, be informed. Yes, take precautions. Yes, be careful, mindful and socially responsible. And also, if you may, you can choose to see the silver lining in all the situations including this one. You can choose to see what's in this for you."Will you be a spectator in this situation? Or will you rise up and truly stand up in your most powerful space as a leader? (02:15) Whatever we choose to believe, we are giving our power to (04:40)Uncertainty was always here - we simply see it more clearly now (05:29)If your freedom was taken away so easily, what is this teaching you? (08:20)It's not I, it is WE - where we are way stronger, more resourceful, creative and powerful (11:28)Do not let the world influence what's happening within you (14:46)If it was up to you to create a new world, what could be possible then? (20:03)Allowing your gifts to be a part of the solution (22:13)Pivot, p