

To create change in our lives we need to burn the boats and change 19 habits at once, right? Well, this may work for some —but for most of us, it's wishful thinking and leads to stress, complication and paralysis analysis. Enter Tiny Habits —using the simplest possible actions to create long-term enduring change. For example: Doing two push-ups instead of 40 Flossing one tooth instead of all of them Writing for 5 minutes instead of 45 minutes Strumming three chords instead of 5 songs And oddly enough —by implementing Tiny Habits, we actually create long term results that were previously unavailable with our prior model. Enter the latest Academy guest —BJ Fogg who is one of the world's experts on human behavior change. BJ Fogg is a behavior scientist, with deep experience in innovation and teaching. At Stanford University, he's directed a research lab for over 20 years. He now has created a new set of models and methods that comprise what I call “Behavior Design.” In January of 2020 I shared 300 pages of new