Mid-days With Lauree

This is KCBI's Role During the Election



As a radio station during this election, we could take go to 2 extremes in how we handle the election. We could break down the latest news and tell you what's going on in the swing states, or we could pretend like it's not happening. Just like you, we agree it'd be silly to fall under either of those extremes. So we've decided on the role we'll take when it comes to this season and it's the same role we'll take in any season. 90.9 KCBI is and will continue to be a place that you will find transparency, encouragement, and ultimate hope through the music that we play and the conversations we have. We know there are so many places you can go to get election info and hot takes, so we're going to continue to be here for you and with you as we might shine a light on Jesus together.