Mid-days With Lauree

Step Away From The Doomscrolling and Try This Instead



Have you ever heard of doomscrolling? Maybe you haven't heard of it but chances are you've done it! It's the endless scrolling on your phone through negative news that leads to negative thoughts and opinions. Sound familiar?It's really easy to do right now are we're trying to stay in the know about election results, but instead of more doomscrolling, maybe give some of these things a try to give you brain a much-needed break!-Get out and go workout. It doesn't have to be intense, it's just as simple as a 10-minute walk around the block or the building that will allow you to get some fresh air.-Go do something kind for someone else. Truly, the fastest way to get out of the blues is to go do something for someone else.-Treat Yourself. Be kind to yourself. Maybe that looks like taking a 30-minute break and calling a friend or family member who always fills up your cup when you talk with them or watching an episode of a show that makes you laugh out loud. The point is we can't do anything about the election resul