Mid-days With Lauree

The Power Of Scrolling



These days, especially, our identity can get tied up in the judgement of others because of what we see on social media. Social media get a bad rep but the truth is it's apart of everyday lives. I came across this article from 1517.org that really stuck out to me. The author's name is Luke and he says this:"It's 7 am, I'm still in bed and I've already passed judgment on at least fifty people. I've looked at them, I've examined them, and I've found them wanting. Some are friends. Some are family. Some are people I've never met. Yet I've judged them, one and all. Through the power of the almighty swipe, I've pounded down the gavel and dismissed them from my courtroom. But it's OK. I've got a full docket today. And as new photos and stories fill my feed I continually render judgment, deciding who is and who is not worthy of my time, and upon whom I will deign to reach down and bestow the power of the holy grail: The elusive LIKE. Many are called but the chosen are few, and if you want validation from me then you