Mid-days With Lauree

You May Have Lost The Battle, But There's A War To Be Fought



Right now is a tough time to be a Cowboys fan. They've stumbled out of the gate, lost their starting QB for the year due to injury, and just got embarrassed on national TV last night.Maybe you know a little something about feeling like you can't catch a break and your circumstances feel piled against you. If that's you, I'm going to give you the same advice I'd give to every player in that Cowboys' locker room. My grandpa used to have this saying, "You may have lost the battle, but now we get after the war." Even if today felt like a failure, today is just today. You've got a whole bunch of today's coming up that are in need of seizing. So get up, dust yourself off, and keep going because even if you lost the battle today there's a war to be fought tomorrow!