Mid-days With Lauree

A 14 Year Old, In Our Own Backyard, Could Help Cure COVID



There are so many people right now praying for the end of this COVID-19 madness and a big step in that becoming a reality is happening right here in North Texas!14-year-old Anika Chebrolu of Frisco, Texas was the winner of the 2020 3M Young Scientist Challenge - and a $25,000 prize -- for a discovery that could provide a potential therapy to COVID-19. Anika's winning invention included discovering a molecule that can selectively bind to the protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. I don't know what you were doing at 14, but I surely was helping to cure a deadly virus. In her spare time, she is classically trained in traditional Indian dancing and is developing her art skills. Way to go, Anika! We're so encouraged by your gifts and are praying for your continued research.