Mid-days With Lauree

"Eat The Danish" Advice From A Woman About To Die



"Eat the danish," says a woman who's in her last days of living. What does she mean? Stacy Oliver, a woman dealing with a rare disorder, decided before she passed away that she was going to write her own obituary. One of the things she shared before her death earlier this month was this“I'm not telling you what to do, but I am telling you what to do. Stop worrying about your weight, go live, be, do. Smile, people don't get to feel them enough. Enjoy the moment, it might not come again. “If you want to give something a try, try it, taste it, go there. Take it from me, I'm dead. Eat the Danish, go to the show, laugh out loud. Love one another and you'll never know what you'll find.”Reading this took me back to the verse John 10:10 that tells us the thief has come to kill and to destroy, but he has come that we may have life and life abundantly. Where the thief would tell you to put down that danish or not to stay up late and watch a movie because you have work, God has come so that we may have life more fully.