Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

Brenden Dilley on how to beat big tech at its own game, and Justin Brecht of the Oregon Senate Republicans - Ep 21



Before we begin, I want to remind you to check out my new website, This is where you’ll find all of my content from all the different platforms where my articles can be read. Also, I want to ask you a favor. When you go to, please sign up for my newsletter. I won’t spam you, and I’ll send out a couple of emails a month tops. This allows me to keep you updated on all of the cool new stuff I’m doing in 2020. I made it really easy, too – just go to the website, and click the link at the top that says, Subscribe to the Newsletter. This week’s episode goes a little longer than normal, because it is PACKED with content. The first segment this week features Brenden Dilley, a self help guru turned social media rock star who has been repeatedly deplatformed for his support of President Trump. Brenden says he has the formula for who gets targeted for deplatforming by social media companies, and how to beat them at their own game. Brenden wrote the book, Still Breathin’: The