Behind The Curtain With Jeff Reynolds

China and Hong Kong - what's happening right now, and what will be the result? Steve Yates, Dennis Kwok, and Alvin Yeung - Ep 18



This week’s episode is a departure from my typical format. This episode will feature two sections dealing with international affairs. This past weekend, I attended the Platform Convention of the Oregon Republican Party in Pendleton. This weekend featured a votes to strengthen the Individual Liberty and Limited Government section to include medical freedom, bodily autonomy from conception to natural death, term limits on all elected and unelected public officials, a balanced budget amendment, and constitutional restraints on abuse of the commerce clause and the general welfare clause. All of these are unprecedented policy declarations in the history of the Oregon Republican Party. While we were there, we heard from three speakers on the current situation in China, and the protests in Hong Kong. These talks couldn’t have been more timely, as we watch the scene in Hong Kong play out on our newsfeeds each day, and as President Trump continues to try to formulate an effective plan to deal with China. My first gues