Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed

Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed with guest, Kathleen Gubitosi



Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with her guest, Kathleen Gubitosi. For over two decades, Kathleen Gubitosi, M. A. has supported women who desire to align with their inner truth, step into their intuitive feminine power and live the life of their dreams by connecting to the most potent gift on earth, their voices. An award winning business woman, performance coach, Reiki Master, professional tarot consultant, contributing author to two bestselling books, expert instructor for Inspired Living University and Creatrix of The Magic of Voice Alchemy™, Kathleen is a sought after speaker on both live and virtual stages sharing her message of feminine empowerment through voice and the metaphysical arts. ​Q & A subjects in this episode include: trembing handsdealing with fearmeeting nutritional needsrelief from oral irritation and facial painarchetypespanic attacks with seizure-like symptomsalternatives to commercial infant formula