Sound Effect

Farewell: Sound Effect, Episode 215



Saying goodbye is hard. But sometimes, it’s an opportunity to celebrate. Today, we celebrate nearly six years and 214 episodes of Sound Effect with one final episode. For our finale, we’ll spend two hours looking back at some of the most memorable stories from the show, which has showcased hundreds of stories that the people from our region have shared with us — and with you. We’ll meet a gay man defiantly carving out space for himself in the country music world, when — to his shock — a record label called . We’ll hear how an unlikely friendship drew a Seattle man to leap out of his comfort zone . And we’ll hear the tale of a family cat who wanted nothing to do with her family , and many other stories today . There will be some laughs and some tears. But most importantly, this episode will be a celebration of this place we live — and all the hard work that went into sharing what makes the Pacific Northwest unique.