Call the Question

Teri Mooring on back-to-school in a pandemic, and women in leadership



We welcome BC Teachers' Federation (BCTF) President Teri Mooring. When Teri was elected head of the BCTF - the union that represents BC's 45,000 public school teachers - she knew she'd be leading the next round of contract negotiations, but a global pandemic wasn't something she'd bargained for. We talk with Teri about the role she's played in advocating for health and safety protections as hundreds of thousands of BC kids returned to public schools in September. We also talk about the patriarchy and its impact on how women leaders are treated, equity and diversity in unions, and how she's helping rewriting the book on what it means to be a woman leader in labour. Of course, Teri also gives us her two cents on what teachers are looking for in the upcoming BC election on October 24.For more on Teri, follow her on Twitter at @terimooring or visit