Boardrooms' Best

D&O Ins, Outs, Dos and Don’ts



Host: Nancy May, President and CEO, BoardBench CompaniesGuest: Perry GranofShow: Part 1 of 2New directors, typically, have the best intentions to do what’s right in their roles as directors. Despite good intentions, things sometimes happen beyond anyone’s control.  Your duties as a board member, whether they be on a public, private, family-owned, venture-backed, investment fund, or not-for-profit board, can vary widely. Regardless, at a base level, your main responsibility is to ensure that the entity that hired you remains financially healthy and able to serve its articulated purposes. Doing this requires organizations to determine and understand the risks they face, and to manage them properly through sound controls, practices, and/or cost-effective insurance coverage. Prudent directors tend to apply these considerations to their own personal and professional welfare, too.In this first of a two-part series, Nancy May and Perry Granof , discuss the basics that eve