Boardrooms' Best

How to Retain Your Control.



The Ups And Downs of Being a High-Flying CEO/Founder.Host: Nancy May, CEO, BoardBench CompaniesGuest: Mark Herschberg, the White Knight VC investor, tech/cyber expert and director.  Have you ever seen a CEO/ founder lose control of the company that he/she started to outside investors? How often do you see pre-IPO and new public company boards fall on their faces? Or see directors paralyzed by cyber-attacks and other disasters?  In this episode of the Boardrooms’ Best, you’ll get the inside scoop on how founders can set a more solid foundation, attract benevolent investor-partners, and deal with issues like cyber-mania with a steady hand and greater balance.  Learn:How to "test drive" your prospective investor.How not to lose control, if that's important to you.Why switching-out directors can be important.How to think about your CEO/founder contract.How to think differently about cyber-risks.To better understand the purpose of your business.Need to build greater strength in y