Ben And Bikes

Cycling in a virtual world



There is a place where you can ride your bike that’s a cross between the French Alps and Hawaii. It rarely rains. It never really gets dark. It is never cold. It is never windy. There are no cars. You can always find friends from all over the world to ride with, or you can choose to ride by yourself. There are butterflies and Sloths and Mountain Goats and 1,000 foot waterfalls and you can ride through a volcano. Sound too good to be true, or maybe that I’ve been imbibing in too much of Colorado’s finest weed? Well, it’s all true, but I am missing out one really important fact. All this happens on a stationary trainer and, in my case, in my basement.Behold – Zwift. A new Verb added to the Oxford English Dictionary – To Zwift.Joining me today is Scott Barger, Zwift’s Co founder and Head of Member experience.  See for privacy and opt-out information.