Ben And Bikes

Garbage In, Garbage Out



This episode is coming to you from Brooklyn and my guest is Seamus Mullen, an award winning New York Chef, author, a leading authority on health and wellness, and a cyclist.Seamus trained in Spain and, as they say, one thing led to another and he now operates two Spanish influenced restaurants, Tertulia (English translation – Social gathering) and a Tapas Bar called El Colmado (English translation – The Grocery Store).He is the author of Hero Food and Real Food Heals – But there’s a lot more to Seamus’s story that that.In 2007 Seamus Mullen was diagnosed with early onset Rheumatoid Arthritis.Some years after this diagnosis Seamus, found himself being described by an integrative doctor as a “hot mess”. Despite being at the top of the New York chef food chain, he was profoundly unwell, about 50 pounds overweight, in constant pain and taking some serious meds. He had been in this situation for about 10 years.As a result of a myopically planned diet, significant lifestyle changes and reco