Ben And Bikes

What it's like to ride a recumbent bikes



Back on February the 4th I was riding my road bike on a favourite loop near my house. I was about to hit a Strava segment named “Short Grind’ , given that it’s on a little kicker of a hill, when about 400 yards ahead of me I see something in the bike lane, that I can’t quite make out. As I get closer I pick out a small flag waving like the lure of angler fish. Closer still and I make out the unmistakable image of someone riding a recumbent bike. I pull alongside and attempt to have a conversation with the pilot. He’s a little out of breath to have a long chat so I keep going to the top of the hill and wait for him there. Thank goodness Jeff didn’t think I was some kind of axe murderer, and just to prove my theory that 90% of people are inherently good, he asked me if I was OK. At that point I told him that I run a podcast called Bikes And…and that I’d always wanted to interview someone who rides a recumbent bike. We traded information and a few emails later, a little cajolin