Ben And Bikes

A bike ride ends in violence



Editorial Note: In this podcast Andrew described the attack taking place on the north facing side of North Table Mesa. It was actually the south facing side.Last week end, news began to spread, here along Denver’s Front-Range biking community about a mountain biker who had been assaulted on a popular bike trail near Golden, the North Table Mountain Trail. Most of us who live here realise that if you add the amazing access we all have to incredible trail systems to Denver’s growing populations, there is inevitable conflict between bikers, riders, runner, horse riders and hikers and dog walkers. Pressure on these trails can be significant but conflicts are typically resolved in one way or another, but this incident went way beyond a few curt words and maybe an exchanged middle finger. Nobody owns the trails, and courtesy among trail users is assumed. In this situation, the rider was physically assaulted, pulled to the ground, kicked, punched and his bike damaged.Links to organisations and co