
Reviewing the Reviewer: Luke Koppa



Today we are launching a new series called, “Reviewing the Reviewer,” and the idea is pretty simple: we’ll be asking various Blister reviewers questions about their backgrounds and gear preferences, to give you a more complete picture of the people behind our reviews. And since we like to rank & review things around here, we will be scoring each of our reviewers’ answers to come up with a review grade for each of them.I sat down with Luke in Blister HQ and asked him about where he grew up and what he was into as a kid; his gear preferences and what gear he is most picky about and least picky about and why; then ON3P Skis founder, Scott Andrus, wrote in with a number of questions for Luke; and I also asked Luke things like: who his favorite BLISTER reviewer is, and I got him to rank his siblings from most favorite to least favorite, before wrapping up with some questions about Luke’s favorite books, music, and movies.This episode is presented by Tribe Alpha — Alpha is great ecommer