
Dialing in "The Hammer" + other New Folsom Skis



Jonathan Ellsworth sat down with Mike McCabe at the Folsom Skis headquarters in Denver, Colorado, to dial in "The Hammer" that they have been discussing for a long time now, and that's based on the Folsom Primary Jonathan reviewed last season.They then talk about three other new skis that Mike's recently developed, the Spar 88, some new editions of the Rad Dad, and the Primary Plus. (You can see graphics for all these skis - including The Hammer - here on the site.)TOPICS & TIMES:Background on The Hammer (2:33)Folsom's new "Primary Plus" (11:14)Tweaks to the Primary to create The Hammer (12:08)The new Folsom SPAR 88 (27:06)New variation of the Folsom Rad Dad (31:09)More on the new Folsom Primary Plus (35:53) See for privacy and opt-out information.