Angie Corbett-kuiper

Ordinary People having Extraordinary Experiences.



Join me today as I share the experiences of people from all over the world who have had unexplainable and extraordinary experiences as they pertain to their loved ones who have died. It's up to us to decide whether we want to believe these people or just label it all wishful thinking and sheer coincidence. I've chosen to believe these people when they share their stories, and most will preface their story with, "Shhhhhhh, Angie. Please don't tell anyone. "People are going to think I'm weird. People won't believe me." Most of us have had unexplainable and extraordinary messages from our loved ones, whether through signs, symbols, numbers, coins, etc. yet because we are afraid of what others will think of us, or say to us, we keep our experiences silent. Candice Thomas, a renowned Medium, says it perfectly, "Do not listen to people who try and talk you out of your blessings." Do we close our minds to the possibility of something else going on here? Could it be an awakening to something much more significant