Pathways To Fitness

MPP 014 - Pre-Election Discussions



In less that 14 hours it’ll be Election Day 2020 in the United States of America. We’re in what is arguably the most divided and tumultuous time in our nation’s history since it’s birth in the mid-1700s. As a global community we’ve all weathered COVID-19, extreme political divide, racial tension and cries to defund our law enforcement. Even through all of what seems like an insane dream this year I’m still optimistic and hopeful that our greatest days are just ahead of us. I know that this is in-fact true because my Christian faith and it’s Holy book, the Bible tells me so. The Bible is loaded with prophesy that actually foretold a lot of what we’re experiencing in real-time and even what’s to come. It’s clearly spelled out in the pages of the Bible and we’re watching it unfold.  For believers it’s an exciting time. For non-believers or those still searching it could be a potentially frightening time with little hope. I encourage you to be hopeful. In this episode we actually don’t talk about prophesy or any