Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Andrew Nakkache | Founder and CEO Habitat



Share Your Idea With Everyone A lot of entrepreneurs think that people are going to steal it. Yeah people can steal your idea, but no one will have as much passion or desire to move things forward. Lead By Example You being the CEO/Co-Founder, your attitude consistently reflects back onto your team. Being the leader you have to be the first one in the office and the least to leave. You also have to be eager to learn more be optimistic. Showing emotion may make people nervous that the business isn't doing as well as they think it's doing, or it may make them uncomfortable with the direction that you're trying to take the business. Don't Quit (Taken from Minute 15) Andrew suggests to just dive right into your business. When Habitat started, they knew nothing about tech. They barely used apps, but every day they worked on their business, the vision became more clear. When creating your business, you should be paranoid as hell, that someone is catching up or working on beating you out! This amount of pressure has