Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

Zach Medina | Co-Founder of Viral Ideas Marketing (PART 2)



At the young age of 16, where most kids are out playing video games or trying to attend their friends sweet 16 parties, Zach Medina created Shockwave Entertainment. Which was a party planning and entertainment company that helped teenagers and their families with their parties. At the early of his career, Zach didn't know he was an entrepreneur. As a kid, Zach was always looking for ways to make money, even before his first official business he decided to become a caddy. In which as a kid 7th grader, he carried golf bags that gave him $50 a day! He thought "shoot, I can do something here!" Next, eBay came out and like any hustler/young entrepreneur would do, he started selling stuff on the platform. He would buy broken iPods, fix them, and then later resell them for profit. Not once during this time, Zach thought he was an entrepreneur. It didn't dawn on him until people started calling him one. During his time at high school he ran track. There he met one of his first DJ's that helped him start his