Blind Entrepreneurship With Johnathan Grzybowski

David Feinman | Co-Founder of The Zombie Run and The Viral Ideas Marketing (PART 1)



Let's face it. Is it really always sunny in Philadelphia? Despite what is being said on TV, we have bad days and at times its gloomy. For David, the sun is always shining, regardless of where he is throughout the country. David Feinman found himself in an interesting predicament. David wasn't looking to become an entrepreneur, you can argue that it found hm. David declares himself as an "accidental entrepreneur." During his studies, David thought he wanted to be a physical therapist. Eventually during his studies in both high school and college, he found running to be his vice. Not only in the sense of what calms him but also motivates him to be better. In his old neighborhood of Bucks County, David and one of his good friends wanted to run a marathon, but they realized that there wasn't any kind of marathon within their community. So, they created one. That one marathon segued into a few other businesses and eventually landed on the Zombie Run. The Zombie Run toured the entire country where David i