Better Breathing Means Better Health

What's Your Control Pause & How's Your Breathing



Episode # 3 What’s Your Control Pause & How’s Your Breathing Hi, this is Michael Lingard bringing you the third episode of Better Breathing Means Better Health entitled “What’s Your Control Pause & How’s Your Breathing” Now you know your control pause, what does it mean and how can you improve on it? If your control pause was under 10 seconds you are breathing almost 3 to 4 times more than normal and need to try to change this urgently because medicine will not change your breathing, but will simply control symptoms. If you achieved 20 to 25 seconds with your comfortable breath hold, your breathing is about 2 to 3 times more than normal. A control pause of 25 to 35 seconds still means you are over-breathing, almost twice much as you need but you will only have problems when under stress or hit by any of the triggers that make your condition worse. If your control pauses 35 to 45 seconds it is good for most people, but you will still benefit from improved breathing in many other ways. It is very unlik