Paper Cuts

E17: Julie Sheah and Evyan Roberts



Guests: Julie Sheah and Evyan Roberts Hosts:  Christopher Kardambikis and Jennifer Lillis Recorded on August 12th, 2020 in collaboration with Transformer as part of the E17: Zines program. Julie Sheah is a graphic artist whose drawings explore the horrors and curiosities of otherwise ordinary subjects. She has a keen interest in the surreal and absurd and is an avid connoisseur of puns. As a first-generation Taiwanese-American, growing up in rural Texas gave her an odd sense of humor that came from grappling with social isolation, Otherness, and dual culture identity. Today she lives in Washington, DC where she continues to draw and create visual puns through her artists’ books. Evyan Roberts (she/her) is a queer, fat, black, femme who is deeply committed to intersectional feminism and #blackgirlmagic. She lives in MD and is currently pursuing a Masters in Social Work, where she intends to keep working to promoting equity for sex workers and trans folx. Her writing has appeared in the poetry anthology A