

How much energy do we waste on things that don't move the needle —especially when we're out of alignment? We say one thing, and do another. We create clarity —then procrastinate. We say we're committed, then don't show up. Now imagine all of this energy —was serving your growth instead of taking it away. Who would you be? How would you show up? What results would you create? Enter the latest Academy guest —Sylvester McNutt III, who is an bestselling author, podcaster, public speaker, course creator, and brand new father. Sylvester teaches people how to transform their mindsets through self-awareness and healing practices. As a retired arena football player and survivor of traumatic experiences, Sylvester has used storytelling to teach people how to introspect, gain confidence, and sustain self-love. Sylvester's core belief is that healing is the key to success & self-awareness unlocks freedom. Sylvester's passions are writing, lifting, traveling, food, and exploring the human existence. Ep. 193 | Free