Mid-days With Lauree

Find Out Who Is Offering You "Turkey Insurance" In Case It All Goes Wrong This Thanksgiving



I think more than any other meal we make during the year, the Thanksgiving turkey comes with the most pressure attached. I believe the reason is that it's probably the meal we make the least so, for most of us, we're not super confident going in. And if you mess up the turkey on Thanksgiving, you're going to have quite a few hangry family members on your hands.But I've got some good news for you fellow Thanksgiving chefs out there: worry not, we've got "Turkey Insurance". Yes, I realize how silly that sounds but it's 2020 so all bets are off.If you buy your turkey this year from Whole Foods, Whole Foods and Progressive Insurance have teamed up to provide you a safety net in case that Thanksgiving turkey gets butchered in the process (no pun intended) you can head back into Whole Foods and they'll provide you with a $35 gift card to help cover the damages. I'm speaking it into existence that we're all going to have delicious turkeys for Thanksgiving, but just in case you don't, Whole Foods has you covered.