Mid-days With Lauree

Lauree Calls Her WW2 Vet Grandfather A "Stinker" Find Out Why



I have got a 'stinker' of a Veterans Day story because my grandfather was a 'stinker'!I remember back to my freshman year of high school, I had to write a paper for my English class talking about someone who has been a hero in our lives and I knew just the person: My grandpa! Growing up he told all these stories of his time in the service and this was my time to tell the world about how my grandpa was a war hero! So that afternoon I went home and wrote a paper I was incredibly proud of, but I took it to my dad (my grandpa's son) to proofread it just to make sure the grammar was accurate. After reading it, he looks at me and says "Okay Lauree, is this supposed to be a fiction paper?" Turns out, Grandpa Erv may have embellished his story a little bit. Instead of being born in Germany under the nazi regime, he was born in Fresno, CA. Told you he was a "stinker"!