Mid-days With Lauree

A Huge Celebration From Serbia



As are most places across the world, COVID's impact has been felt and it's no different in Serbia. There is a group called "Josiah Venture" in Serbia that I spent about 5 years with while I was living in Europe and there is a good new story I knew I needed to share with you. In 2 Timothy, when Paul sent out letters of his hardship during his imprisonment, he said "God's word is not chained." I think this story a testament to that truth. One of the ways Serbia has been impacted is through ministry and there has been a worry of how they would be able to spread the gospel if they couldn't do so in person. Well a man named Nicholas, who had just accepted Christ as a young man when I had met him, decided to take to social media in his outreach efforts and created a Facebook group to share daily thoughts and devotionals. What started as a couple hundred people who were following along with Nicholas has now grown to over 25,000 Serbians who are hungry for the word of God. PRAISE GOD! Sometimes, all it takes is a sma