Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

125. Jayson Gaddis: Strategies To Keep Your Relationship Thriving.



“The only thing stopping people from an outstanding relationship is the willingness to create it.” For a lot of people, these are challenging times for their relationships. Thanks to social distancing, a shift to remote working, and shelter-in-place orders and advice, we’re around our loved ones a lot more than usual. Add in the stress and uncertainty of this global pandemic and we’re in line for some “crunchy” conversations on the home front! But amongst all the chaos there are beautiful opportunities to create an ‘indestructible’ relationship. And in this episode, I’m interviewing the man who can help you create this experience for yourself. So if you want your relationship to thrive in the long-term, you’re in for a treat! Jayson Gaddis is here to share a truckload of tips, strategies, and philosophies to ensure your love can thrive - even under pressure. “I’m earning my relationship that’s great with my wife and kids every day. It’s not given to me.” Jayson Gaddis is an author, po