Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

120. Steve Pirie: Eradicating Loneliness: How Curiosity Helps You Live A More Connected Life



“Curiosity sparks these amazing conversations that bring wisdom and willingness together. It’s the catalyst for something truly magical.” After leaving school at 16, Steve Pirie set himself a target. He wanted to be a millionaire by the time he was 30. But after building a business, which he later sold, Steve didn’t feel the way he expected. He tried building another business, but because it didn’t have enough zeros, he didn’t feel successful. As a result, he spiralled out of control and hit rock bottom leaving him with a choice. Did he cross the line, or did he pick himself back up and reinvent himself. The journey of entrepreneurship can be lonely - in fact, life can be lonely. Our world may be more connected than ever, but many of us still feel isolated and disconnected. This problem is compounded by social media. It’s hard to live up to other people’s social highlights. Inspired by his desire to combat loneliness, Steve’s on a mission to bring people together through live experiences that c