Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

115. Anthony Trucks: Beating The Odds. How To Create A Life In The 1%



“A lot of the actions that we have to take to be successful aren’t ones that you feel like taking.” Anthony Truck’s entire life has been about beating the odds and redefining what’s possible given the cards he was dealt with. Age just three, Anthony ended up in the foster care system. Given his background, he shouldn’t have achieved the things he did. It shouldn’t have been possible for him to become an NFL athlete or a successful entrepreneur. But Anthony wasn’t willing to settle. Instead, he figured out how to fight for himself and make success his second nature. His path has been far from easy - especially in his post-NFL days when he lost a lot of the material success he achieved. But with the help of borrowed joy and the resilience to beat the odds, Anthony survived rock bottom to become an international speaker, author, and shift coach. He was even the first former NFL athlete to hit a buzzer on NBC’s American Ninja Warrior. In this powerful episode, Anthony reveals how he fought for his