Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

114. Justin Faerman & Jackie Knechtel: How To Quit Resisting And Lean Into Life Fully



“Flow states are getting to peak state and peak performance. Flow consciousness is taking that and stretching it out so you’re living in flow all of the time.” Hard work where “no pain equals no gain” is a cultural meme inherited from our grandparents, parents, and the media. But what if you could create a more extraordinary life by embracing flow?When you’re programmed to believe hustle and grind equals success, it’s tempting to doubt the ‘easier’ path. But when you align with your true self, you can work from a place of ease, grace, and pure inspiration.    Flow consciousness creates this reality - and Justin Faerman and Jackie Knechtel are global pioneers in the art and science of living this way. Together, they conducted first-hand research into the nature of flow consciousness. Turning their discoveries into the flow methodology and tools, Justin and Jackie help their clients rewire and reprogram their consciousness. Nowadays, Justin and Jackie run high-level training programs th